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Zen retreats are an opportunity to enter the lifestlye of a zen monk for a few days.  The schedule includes 6 hours/day of meditation, personal meetings with the Abbot or Master, whole-food vegan meals, simple manual projects, and no devices.  We begin or deepen meditation study in the context of community life, transforming negative habits.

Retreat Schedule

@Detroit Zen Center:
Fri - Sun:

All Weekends in Jan & Feb, 2025

@Cloud Mountain Hermitage (Ontonagon, MI):
May 22-25, 2025


  1. Attend an Intro to Zen on Sunday at DZC.

  2. Fill out an application and send to

  3.  Schedule an interview with the Abbot



Fri - Sun: $300

Thurs - Sun: $350

Retreaters stay full time at the Center. An application, interview and attendance of at least one Sunday beginners session are all requirements for first time retreaters.

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